Castles for sale in Portugal


Here's a list of castles and manors we are considering for our Portugal location. The goal is to acquire an existing property, renovate it to be 100% sustainable and occupy it with a buzzing community of nomad entrepreneurs.

Portugal shows a lot of upward potential with a growing economy, beautiful landscapes, growing startup community, world leading events such as Web Summit. It is also relatively easy to access bank funding, and there are tax advantages to living here. If you are in need of an European visa, investing in real estate here even gives you an opportunity to get a "golden visa". And there are even programs to incentivize development of old properties (castles included) through the Revive Portugal program.

Old manor in Northern Portugal

This relatively large property has a lot of historical features that could make it attractive after some renovation.
Price: 1.25M€
Size: 1050sqm, currently 5 bedrooms triplex

Manor I, near Coimbra

(half way between Lisbon and Porto)

This property needs a lot of renovation work to bring it to its full potential, but it has a working base, tons of space to develop and beautiful nature around it.
Size: 1990sqm
Price: 1.6M€

Manor II, near Coimbra

Large property in good condition for the price. Will need some renovation but is in a move in ready state. Comes with lots of land, and is adjacent to a small town. Could be a strong starter option, though it's a little far from a town and from the ocean.
Price: 743k€
Size: 1225sqm, 10 rooms


May 2, 2020

