Incubating ideas in a coliving community


If you have never been to an entrepreneur retreat or a coliving for remote workers, picture this:

You arrive in a fancy looking building. A welcoming community manager welcomes you and shows you to your room. The entire building is furnished to taste, and you don't need to fear that the internet will be slow or that the bed won't be comfortable. The whole process has been optimized for you to be in a good condition to be productive. But you barely skim at the coliving space and all the amenities. What you are really here for is the community. You probably know a few of the members already from previous events or other coliving spaces. And within 5min of unpacking your bag, you are already in busy conversations with your peers.

We humans are social animals. Our creativity thrives when we can bounce ideas off of each other.

Creativity is also nurtured  through a few other principles:

1. Being in a safe, accepting space

If you feel like people around will accept your ideas without judgement, chances are high that your brain creative function will be unlocked rather than activating those old protection mechanisms that live in our crocodile brains.

2. Having our primary needs fulfilled, and being without distractions

It is hard to let your mind wander to new territories if your stomach is empty or if you are worried about things. This is why entrepreneur retreats where a community manager has already setup the basics for you to live is so critical to letting you focus on building your business, developing that skill, or working on your creative idea.

3. Being surrounded by like-minded creative people

This is the core added value of any coliving community. When you are surrounded by individuals who aspire to personal and business growth and you can get feedback and ideas off each other, your growth curve goes exponential. The power of the community is particularly put to work when intentional communities exercise skillsharing or mastermind sessions.
A mastermind session consist of spending a predefined amount of time working through one problem of each of the members of the group. A typical session involves 4-8 members, and each individual gets a couple minutes to present their problem to the group, followed by 10 min discussion by the group to provide ideas, fresh perspectives and know how. This problem can be personal or business related, and the power of the group usually results in an output far superior to that of the individual's capacity to solve their own problem. 1+1+1=6

Now imagine what can happen when humans live their lives with more intentionality. Imagine living amongst a connected network of individuals in peaceful creative coliving spaces. Does that sound appealing to you? Check out our community aspirations.


April 28, 2020

