Amenities and features


One of the most important aspects of setting up a coliving space is finding the right balance between privacy and community. At Oasa, we believe this means providing private living quarters where you can make yourself at home and retire from the community - including private bedroom and bathroom, and a space to focus. This means you'll be fully in charge of the experience, whether you want to hang out with peers in communal spaces or seclude yourself to relax or focus. It is quite possible that down the road there would be even more secluded options such as private units separate from the main building, which would be a good option for families etc.

Overall, we want to provide a set of quality guidelines that will make our members feel at home whenever they arrive, and let them focus on what's important to them: building their business, making friends or taking advantage of the outdoor activities.

Private Bedrooms

  • Quality beds & linen
  • Extra pillows available
  • Closet, drawers or shelves
  • Hangers
  • Large window(s) facing natural features

Private Bathrooms

  • Shampoo, soap, and towels provided
  • Spacious, bright, and minimal design
  • Large mirror(s)
  • Italian style shower or bath
  • Hot water
  • Towel/clothing rack
  • Toothbrush holder

Communal Kitchen

  • Fridge stocked with basics (milks, fresh produce etc)
  • Salt, pepper, olive oil, coffee etc
  • Large space to cook
  • Gas stove
  • Water filter
  • Coffee makers
  • Communal table to meet peers
  • All appliances/kitchenware provided

Communal Living Room

  • Minimal, functional design
  • Quality furniture
  • Cosy lighting
  • Open, decluttered spaces
  • General sense of "Hygge"

Semi private coworking areas

  • Comfortable work desks and chairs
  • Private areas
  • Call areas
  • Library with shared books


We are huge believers in the power of heat and cold water to improve mental and physical health. Therefore one of the first things we will be building at each location is a wood fired sauna. Another crucial element is going to be having a natural water pool that can collect rain water for irrigation, while providing with a wonderful clean water swimming experience free of chlorine or other chemicals.


Automated hydroponic greenhouses produce vegetables for you that you can simply go and pick. Fruit trees around the property let you catch a fresh snack directly from the tree. 


A quality of cosiness and comfortable conviviality that engenders a feeling of contentment or well-being (regarded as a defining characteristic of Danish culture).

Do you have more ideas of what constitutes good set of foundational features that should be required in our coliving? Please reach out!


April 10, 2020


amenitiesqualitycomforthyggeligtsaunahydroponic greenhouse