Make your coliving space sustainable


Coliving spaces are inherently pretty energy efficient as you are splitting resources between a group of people. But for eco conscious entrepreneurs and coliving space owners looking to do a little more, we have compiled some resources to help you in the process.

If you haven't built your coliving space yet, we highly recommend you check out our guide of sustainability technologies we are looking to implement ourselves.

But not every coliving space owns their buildings or are able to change the structural implementation of their space, so here are some tips that you can get started with today:

1. Get rid of single use plastics

We have written a guide on best practices around avoiding plastic and single use plastics as a private person, but as a coliving operator you should make sure to only provide shampoo/body soap etc. using refillable containers rather than single use items.

2. Implement better recycling techniques

Make sure you have appropriate bins with detailed explanations of how recycling works in your area. Use simple symbols that can be understood in the blink of an eye regardless of language. Create a compost or bring the compost to a local community garden - they'll be happy to take your organic waste - and make sure to educate your guests on the benefits of composting!

3. Use low consumption lightbulbs and appliances

The days when LED lights were generating a less appealing lighting are long gone. You can now easily use warm colored LEDs and create cosy lighting ambiances in your space. Use modern toilets and dishwashers that use less water and are more energy efficient.

4. Add trees or plants

Adding a community garden is a great way to build a community spirit in your space. Having plants in your space also help purify the air and makes for much happier coliving spaces. If you are worried about having to water them, consider implementing self-irrigation technologies.

5. Use organic cleaning materials

Take the time to set up a repeatable shopping list that your space manager can pass on to the cleaners. By eliminating toxic chemicals from your cleaning items you'll greatly reduce the stress on the ecosystem in which your blackwater is processed.

6. Provide tupperwares and cooking essentials

Take-out food is one of the highest items generating plastic waste. Encourage your members to cook more by having a spacious kitchen with all the cooking essentials - including pots, pans, salt & pepper, olive oil etc. so that your guests don't need to each purchase the basics. Provide tupperwares and other food storage solutions that don't require wrapping paper.


April 28, 2020


sustainabilitycolivingenergy efficiency